In the gripping action thriller, Adventure Danger, experience the pulse-pounding journey of Dylan Danger, a retired special forces officer from the United States Air Force’s elite Night Stalkers unit. Once accustomed to a life of stealth and strategy, Dylan finds tranquillity on his family farm in Illinois, where he lives a peaceful existence with his loving wife Cindy, a renowned doctor, and their two precious children, Sarah and David.
The serenity of their life is shattered one fateful night when an injured crime boss, left bleeding in the aftermath of a botched drug deal, and his merciless gang descend upon the Danger family homestead. Desperate for Cindy’s medical expertise to save their leader, the gang resorts to unthinkable measures – taking Sarah and David hostage.
In the ensuing chaos, Dylan, a soldier at heart, bravely defends his home, only to be shot and left for dead, discarded like fodder in his own barn. But Dylan Danger is not a man to underestimate.
Wounded but alive, Dylan ignites his dormant military instincts. As the tranquillity of his farm transforms into a battlefield, he sets into motion a daring plan to rescue his family and deliver the ruthless criminals the justice they deserve.
Adventure Danger is an adrenaline-fueled exploration of one man’s resolute courage and unyielding love for his family. It’s a testament to the lengths a father will go to protect his family, defying the jaws of death itself. Packed with suspense, action, and emotion, this book promises to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.
Dylan Danger lay in bed, exhausted but unable to sleep. He had spent the day fixing the fence line around his farm, and his muscles ached from the effort. Cindy, his wife, lay beside him, her breathing slow and even.
He was just starting to drift off when he heard the sound of breaking glass. He bolted upright, alert and focused. Cindy stirred beside him, and he put a finger to his lips to signal her to stay quiet. He grabbed the gun he kept on the nightstand and slipped out of bed, moving silently toward the bedroom door.
As he reached for the doorknob, he heard a sound that made his blood run cold: the unmistakable click of a gun being cocked. He froze, his hand still on the doorknob. He knew he had only seconds before whoever was on the other side of the door came barging in.
Without hesitation, he kicked the door open and charged into the hallway, gun raised. He saw a group of men in black masks and tactical gear, weapons drawn, moving toward him.
He fired, taking down two of them before the others returned fire. He heard Cindy screaming from the bedroom, and he knew he had to get to her.
As he moved toward the bedroom, he saw a figure huddled on the ground. It was the leader of the gang, a notorious crime boss with a gunshot wound in his chest. Dylan hesitated for a moment, but then he knew what he had to do. He dragged the wounded man to his feet and used him as a human shield as he moved toward the bedroom door.
Cindy was cowering in the corner, her arms wrapped around their children. Dylan pushed them behind him, using the gang leader as a shield. He fired at the remaining attackers, taking them down one by one.
When the last of the attackers was down, Dylan let go of the gang leader, who slumped to the ground. He took a deep breath and turned to Cindy and the kids. They were all safe, but shaken.
Dylan knew that this was just the beginning. Whoever had sent these attackers would not give up so easily. But he was ready for them. He was Dylan Danger, ex-special-forces officer, and he would protect his family at all costs.